
ScreenRant is a digital publication founded in 2003 and acquired and owned by Valnet Inc., since 2015. Subsequently, ScreenRant has grown into one of the world’s most prominent entertainment news sources, serving over 1 billion readers in 2023.

ScreenRant's entertainment experts cover movies, TV, comics, and gaming with detailed insights and updates. Readers can find breaking news, on-location reporting from major events like the Academy Awards and Comic-Con, exclusive interviews, expert editorials, impactful reviews, and deep dives into fandom theories. Additionally, there are guides on what to watch, read, and play, all supported by a growing database of information on favorite movies, shows, and games.

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  • ScreenRant is a Top 2 ComScore Entertainment Media publisher by total monthly views.
  • ScreenRant is part of our Screen Portfolio, which ranks second in overall website reach among entertainment publishing companies and fifth in social reach.
  • Our Screen Portfolio includes ScreenRant, MovieWeb, Collider, CBR, and TheThings.

Disclaimer/source: Comscore Media Metrix® Multi-Platform, Total Audience (desktop 2+, mobile 18+), Custom List excluding non-content generating Publishers, March 2024.